Friday, August 31, 2018

"Not a phone booth"

I was just giving today’s post a once-over edit when suddenly MS Word greyed out everything and announced that the document I was working on was “recovered”. Clicking the SAVE button it forced on me did nothing, and clicking the close X closed the document, which reverted to something from weeks ago.

I don’t know what is up with that—I have Word set to auto-save every 10 minutes, yet I’ve noticed that if I don’t manually save, it just doesn’t do it. (I’ve lost work before, courtesy of Microsoft, both documents and spreadsheets. It pisses me off no end.)

Anyhow, I’ll have to put off what I’d planned to share until I can reconstruct my pithiness. In the meantime, here’s something I saw at one of my favorite places to get lattes:

It’s a bakery owned by a Turkish engineer; been around for more than 20 years. I don’t get over to Vienna that much any more, but when I do, I’ll stop in for a small one.

Anyhow—I admire the sentiment, even though I think he’s kind of whistling in the dark on this one.

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