Thursday, July 19, 2018

Birds in their little nests...

I do get a kick out of watching the birds. I have my issues with them—mostly the bigger ones with a well-earned title of “bully birds”. (Yeah, I did not make that one up. I just refer to them as greedy buggers.)

But the rest of them are just fascinating.

One of the things that cracks me up is how long the juveniles harbor the expectation that mom and dad are going to go on literally shoveling food into their little beaks. I’ve seen it with the starlings, but also with finches and goldfinches.

This behavior isn’t just on the East Coast; I noticed it in The Valley They Call Silicon, too. But here’s some video from yesterday:

I wanted to yell, “Little dudes—you’re on the feeder! You’re standing in the seed. Just start eating it!”

But, no, they’ve got to flap and squawk until someone sticks something in their beak.

Kind of like human teens.

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