Thursday, June 7, 2018

Fake friends

As you know, Facebook has been in the spotlight lately for selling influence to whoever’ll pay for it, which—in addition to crappy ads cluttering up your feed—includes allowing bad actors like Cambridge Analytica, the GOP and Vladimir Putin to screw with our political system.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has gone on a slap-on-the-sincere-face-instead-of-a-smirk-and-suit-instead-of-a-white-tee-shirt apology tour of both the US Congress and the EU’s Parliament. He’s told us he doesn’t understand how this happened, and assured us that it won’t ever happen again.

I’m not entirely reassured, however.

Nonetheless, I thought this was an interesting ad placement in their disinformation campaign.

I mean, I just wonder how many Metro riders are convinced by this sort of thing?

Know what also isn't your friend? Facebook.

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