Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Slow day at library school

Alex Halpern first came across my Twitter radar in October when he took down a columnist for the New York Observer, who’d pished that libraries are anachronistic holdovers from an earlier time and should be shut down as pointless in the 21st Century. Halpern, finishing up a MLIS program in Portland and using the moniker The Angriest Librarian, took down Andre Walker so thoroughly that eventually Walker cried uncle and advised followers to donate to a library fund.

Since then, he’s kept it to a simmer, but his tweets are always worth a look. Yesterday he came out with this one:

I suppose it could be the 21st-Century update of Soupy Sales telling kids to send him the “little green pieces of paper” they’d find in their parents’ wallets. I mean, you’d hope that folks these days wouldn’t be so daft, but folks frequently prove that they are precisely that.

Here are the first few replies.

So far, no one has tripped the alarm that people SHOULD NOT GIVE OUT THIS INFORMATION. But early innings yet.

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