Monday, March 12, 2018

Gratitude Monday: stay of execution?

In accordance with company…decree, I ran through a bifurcated performance review/goal-setting exercise last week with my once and future managers. It was a process only somewhat more crazy-making than the single shot that most people will have gone through, on account of the transition from once to future.

I won’t go into detail, but I’m taking it as good news that my new manager does not seem to view my employment on the team as ending with the Summer Solstice, which was the deadline for me turning in a business plan. The iffy news is that expectations beyond that point are…well, vague might be entirely too concrete a description for them.

It looks like it’s up to me to define what I’ll be doing once the business plan is approved, which might not be entirely a bad thing. Although when I look around a room and realize I’m the most organized person in it, I get decidedly uneasy.

However—I have been authorized to attend the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing again this year, which is in October, so this gives me a bit more of an opportunity to enter into a serious job search. And GHC is prime hunting for that.

So, after the past weeks of uncertainty and dread, I’m really grateful for this respite.

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