Monday, March 26, 2018

Gratitude Monday: safe and warm

At time of writing, I’m looking at a sunny day, with temperatures in the mid- to high-40s, and later this week it’s supposed to get into the 60s. So, March is starting to put on its lambskin.

But there are still small patches of snow left over from last Wednesday’s storm, when March was decidedly lionlike.

From my living room I had a wide-screen view of the birds out at the feeders:

And while was watching the birds, I noticed a new arrival:

And so I welcomed a fox sparrow, who has a distinctive hop/scratch movement:

As I observed Foxy and Friends eagerly scarfing up the seed, I thought about what a treat it was to be able to put out food for them, and to watch them—from my warm living room. My power remained on, my heat never failed. I made green tea and cinnamon toast; I cleaned out my refrigerator; I researched academic institutions’ operating revenues. The worst thing that happened to me was having that Japanese maple dump a load of snow on me when I went out to shovel my walk.

Even the USPS delivered!

Knowing all too well that heat and power are not guaranteed in such weather—when the argument can be made that you need them the most—I am grateful that my neighbors and I were blessed in this regard. And I’m also grateful that we may be tiptoeing into Spring. You know—warm, blooming Spring.

I think the birds are, too.

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