Friday, January 5, 2018

No hot time in the old town

As I mentioned yesterday, this area is in the throes of really cold weather. If you want a precise measurement, it’s bloody colder than a landlord’s heart, which scares those of us who rely on Metro to get to and from work.

Especially when snow enters into it, as it did overnight into yesterday morning. Whenever there’s anything less than perfect weather, Metro becomes a crapshoot. Snow moves it to a whole new level.

School districts in the vicinity of The District They Call Columbia shut down for the day (which means supermarket shelves in the area were denuded of milk, bread and disposable diapers) and the federal government was on two-hour delay with liberal “unscheduled leave” and teleworking.

My mile-and-a-half drive to the Metro station was a little dodgy at 0445, but I noticed that highways were clear and plenty of traffic was moving at speed along both the Dulles Access Road and I-66.

However: Metro.

My car, as you can see, had drifts of snow from the doors being open for at least five minutes before departure:

And there was no heat on.

You cannot believe how cold the 40-minute ride is when there’s no heat and the outside temperature is around 25°F.


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