Monday, January 8, 2018

Gratitude Monday: friendship...and food

Some years ago I wrote about my friend Chris and the many ways knowing her has enriched my life. While I was back on the West Coast, I only saw Chris a couple of times when she came out to visit family in the East Bay. On one memorable occasion, we met with our mutual friend Amy for lunch in Danville.

Since my return to The District They Call Columbia, we weren’t able to get together in person until I moved out to the Greater Reston-Herndon Metroplex. A couple of months ago she came by and we discussed garden possibilities. (Sadly, it seems probable that—even with the southern exposure—my back yard doesn’t get enough sun to grow tomatoes, which is a massive bummer.)

And we started out 2018 on Saturday by catching up on things and me giving her a tutorial in pie pastry. Then we went out to dinner at a Turkish place. (That choice was an homage to Amy, who I suspect factored into her decisions to stop by my place in the South Bay the fact that it was next to an Afghan restaurant.) It was so lovely to go to a place I’ve had my eye on with a good friend—especially one who, like Amy, really enjoys trying new foods.

(The Turkish food was gorgeous. But there are no photos, because we ate it before I thought about taking any.)

We’ve made a kind of resolution to not let so much time elapse between get-togethers. For one thing, I have a garden to plan, and for another, we need to find an Indian restaurant. Plus—I should check on her pie-making efforts. I’m grateful for all these things, and for a friendship that goes back more than 20 years.

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