Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Not a pretty picture

You might have gathered that I’m more of a words-and-pictures girl, rather than a numbers one. But in the wake of Sunday’s mass murder-by-AR-15—and the completely predictable outpouring of platitudinous “thoughts-and-prayers” from our spineless Congressmorons—I thought I’d lay a few figures on you.

These are cumulative totals of top ten recipients of NRA largess in the House and the Senate, both cash contributions and other monetary support. They were collated by the New York Times in the wake of the last mass shooting—hey, only a few weeks ago—in Las Vegas.

You’ll note that the platitudes vomited forth last month are interchangeable with those spouted since Sunday; just swap out Las Vegas for Sutherland Springs.

The Times notes that (as you can see) the top trough-snorters are all Repugnants; no surprises there, eh? The highest recipient in the House is Sanford Bishop (Georgia); he ranks 43rd on the list. The top two Democrats in the Senate are Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Patrick Leahy of Vermont. They are 52nd and 53rd, respectively; that’s to say—behind every Republican except for Alaska’s Dan Sullivan.

So, you can plainly see why a Replicant-controlled Congress will never pass reasonable gun control legislation. They even get twisted up in the surreal world of writing off white men shooting scores of civilians not as terrorism, but as acts of the mentally-ill—even as they pass legislation that makes it easy for the mentally ill to buy assault weapons.

The most we’ll ever get out of this lot is thoughts and prayers, which cost them nothing, while they deposit the next round of NRA checks.

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