Sunday, November 5, 2017

Gratitude Monday: Coo beans

Yes, today’s gratitude contains some element of schadenfreude, which may vitiate some of the intent of Gratitude Monday, but hear me out.

Given the fact that social media has become the battleground in the struggle between light and darkness, good and evil, tolerance and bigotry, left and right, I personally give thanks for every victory—no matter how small or impermanent. And the one I came across yesterday was sweet.

You may or may not be aware that there’s a gigantic empty husk of an alt-Reich troll who calls himself Baked Alaska. I’m not going to give him any Web space; you can Google him, if you like. But be sure to append “milk” to the search term, and you’ll get a load of him displaying his Nazi husk status as he cried like a baby during what was to have been a supreme moment in Charlottesville last August.

Anyhow, our easily-melted fluffy dessert troll tweeted something I’m sure he meant to be provocative, but quickly slid off the high ground like a slab of Lucerne Neapolitan ice milk in summer, due to his confusion on how to spell coup. I mean, sure—it’s an immigrant word and all, but still.

And he quickly came under the non-culinary blow torch of everyone on Twitter. Especially this guy, who invoked the RWNJ site "The Federalist" to troll him:

The entire thread—which is well worth reading—is here, at least at time of writing. If half-baked had half a brain, he’d delete his tweet. But I’m betting he’s too greedy for the attention to do that.

And whether he does or doesn’t, he’s still been had. For which I give thanks.

Sic semper insulsi.

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