Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Loups de loo

Okay, slight detour from the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, and brief return to le scandale des toilettes I mentioned last week. Turns out I was absolutely right when I commented that anyone who needs to be reminded not to be a pig probably isn’t going to pay any attention to the reminder.

Because when I got back to the office yesterday, I saw these additions to the stall notices:

(I have to say that the “waist” got up my nose, as did the fact that no one corrected it.)

Evidently things took a turn for the worse in my absence.

My first thought—since this has only been going on for maybe three or four weeks—was that a new employee is responsible for the used paper products left around the place. But then it occurred to me that it could be someone who’s really pissed off at something (there’s been a lot of shifting people around, and some of the shiftees got considerably less desirable digs than they used to occupy) and is engaging in some passive-aggressive trashing of the ladies loo. Kind of childish if that’s the case.

At any rate, it remains to be seen, of course, whether the ratcheted-up warnings will do the trick.


  1. I know you well enough to know that this isn't going to change that behavior. The letter writers are pissing up a rope. Men are worse and we have several who spit gum into the urinals (like it will dissolve or something) and think nothing of it.

  2. Well, now you're just scaring me.
