Monday, September 25, 2017

Gratitude Monday: Autumn air

Friday marked the autumnal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. And even though here in the District They Call Columbia, we’ve had a spate of temperatures hovering around 90 degrees, there are small signs that fall is on the way.

For one thing, the humidity has begun to slack off, which is a massive relief. For another, I’m having to sweep leaves off the patio every two or three days. (I’m thinking about raking them into piles next to the fence at either side of the yard. I don’t have a composter, but they’re organic matter, right? At some point, they’ll decompose.)

And, of course, there’s pumpkin spice everything. We’ll have that curse until it’s overtaken by peppermint mocha everything.

I’m looking forward to seeing the colors change, and to preparing the comfort food meals that colder weather seem to inspire. Don’t know why, but “comfort food” doesn’t seem to encompass caprese salad or poached chicken breasts on a bed of arugula. Don’t get me wrong—I love both of them; they just don’t say “comfort” to me, the way cottage pie does.)

But perhaps one of my biggest points of gratitude that this season heralds is the dying down of these dang-blasted mosquitos. I spent 15 minutes on Friday afternoon, chatting with a neighbor out in the front and got a huge welt from one of those little consarned critters.

So, bring on the colder weather—I’m ready and grateful.

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