Thursday, August 31, 2017

The horror and the devastation

A few images from the Kleptocrat’s response to the devastation in south Texas this week. I don’t think I need to add much commentary—the pictures, as they say, talk plenty.

Primarily, this visual conversation is around whether or not Li’l Donnie Two-Scoops responded appropriately as a president. Or even as a human being.

Spoiler: No on both counts.

What is bizarre—but, sadly, no longer surprising—is how Klepto-supporters chose to defend his behavior. Not one, but many. Viz.:

Now, their umbrage is somewhat vitiated by the fact that their Great Satan was not, in fact, president in 2005. (I have not, so far, seen any of them retort some kind of time-stretching rebuttal to those who’ve pointed this out. But it’s early innings yet.)

Here’s another one, directed at the Knuckle-Dragging Set’s second-greatest target:

The fact that—again—the Obamas were not in the White House in 2005 is again a trifling consideration. Evidently so is the fact that the photo is of Condi Rice, and not Michelle Obama. I suppose one strong, articulate, educated black woman looks like all strong, articulate, educated black women?

Now, here’s some reality—which, of course, shall never penetrate the protective shield of ignorance and animus that surrounds the KDS:

And the actual president, post-Katrina:

And President Obama after Superstorm Sandy:

Juxtaposed against the Kleptocrat in his visit to Corpus Christi:

And, speaking of Li’l Donnie Two-Scoops’ post-Harvey Texas photo ops (modeling his merch), here’s where he touched down: Corpus Christi and Austin. Not only is neither of these places Houston, where the hurricane hit, they are hundreds of miles away from the scene of the catastrophe. (Houston to Corpus Christi: ~200 miles; Houston to Austin: ~170 miles.) He flew to Corpus Christi, and then 200 miles from Corpus to Austin, just to avoid having to look at the actual devastation.

This did not, of course, deter him from announcing that he'd seen up close the "horror and devastation" of Harvey.

Oh, well—this itinerary did spare Melania the risk of getting those white sneakers muddy. So, there’s that.

Okay, but it wouldn’t be a Kleptocrat moment without Twitter snark. So here you go:

And, finally, when he arrived in Austin, here’s what awaited him:

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