Friday, June 9, 2017

The reek of desperation

Unless you’ve only just now emerged from a cryogenic state without cable TV, you’ll know that yesterday former FBI director James Comey testified before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence about his interactions with the Kleptocrat both before and after the inauguration.

Because he’d filed his prepared statement with the committee publicly on Wednesday, not only could little Donnie Two Scoops not invoke executive privilege to shut him up, but the Republicans on the committee had to ask at least some questions not about Hillary’s emails. This they did not like.

It was a bit of a disappointment that the Kleptocrat did not, in fact, live tweet the proceedings; presumably his aides locked away his devices, or kept him distracted with chocolate cake and coloring books. (Although Twitter had a different theory:)

 But his personal lawyer did climb out of the ooze to issue a statement remarkable for its ludicrous typos (one Twitter comment: “Did he get his law degree from Costco?”) and bizarre cherry picking of facts and interpretations. (Essentially: Comey is a lying scumbag except for when he doesn’t say bad things about 45.)

Beyond the mouthpiece, the Replicant water carriers were out in force, including the Klepto spawn, various congressmorons (Paul Ryan, R-Sponge, "[The Kleptocrat] didn't understand that presidents aren't supposed to strong arm law enforcement officials; we all need to give him a big hug.")  and the official GOP Twitter account. And you just have to wonder at those guys. Because despite their best effort (best being relative to their standards) to control the “dialogue”, they just blow chunks at it.

And then, this:


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