Friday, February 10, 2017

Moving stories

Y’all know how I love the sidebars of life all around me—yard decorations, business signs, bumper stickers and vanity license plates… I like playing with what the stories behind them might be.

Now, this one I’m guessing belongs to someone from western South America, and there were nine people also from that part of the world ahead of him/her at the DMV.

But this one is a little more interesting—it’s on one of those boxy Honda Elements that is often parked on the street outside my flat overnight (because there’s frost or dew on it when I walk to the Metro station in the morning).

Visual Basic is so turn-of-the-century. It dates right about to the time when pre-Time-Warner AOL had pretensions of being everybody’s on-ramp to the information superhighway. I wonder if the Element’s owner has had the license plate since before the dot-bomb, or whether s/he is just nostalgic for the Good Old Days?

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