Monday, February 13, 2017

Gratitude Monday: Fade to black

As follow-on to my Gratitude Monday post last week, I am truly, madly, deeply grateful today that the dag-blamed pitch is in the can.

Well, since we are in the Digital Age, technically I’m glad that the video is on my hard drive, a jump drive and in the cloud.

I’m a girl who likes redundant systems.

I can’t believe how long it took to get this 90-second piece put together: more than two hours shooting take after take (including another session this past Friday because, after viewing what we shot the previous Sunday, I was so appalled that I suited up and drove out to west nowhere Fairfax County to do it all over again), and then almost two hours with the editor to lay in the background and a cool fade to black at the end.

So today I’m grateful for two things: I’ve got friends who went to bat for me, setting up, shooting and editing. And I’m looking at the damned thing in my rear view mirror.

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