Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Crowd-sourced truth

Okay, here’s another piece of comfort that social media brought me this week. I already gave you the “updating” of Wikipedia’s page on invertebrates to put the Speaker of the House in his proper category.

But, in the wake of Acting Attorney General Sally Yates’s principled stand against the unconstitutional executive order promulgated by the Kleptocrat (at the behest of his Gauleiter Bannon) to ban travelers from Muslim countries that haven’t bribed him by doing business with his companies, a Wikipedia editor stepped up to the plate, bigly.

Seriously—I may need to go back and donate more money to this enterprise. Because this is outstanding.

And I hope that Yates gets snapped up by the ACLU or a law firm in a New York instant.


  1. While I appreciate the sentiment, this was vandalism. Another editor has set it right.

  2. Point taken. But I reckon that Yates won't have to pay for a drink the rest of her life.
