Tuesday, January 31, 2017

When the Interwebz is confusing

After yesterday’s post on how actual humans with actual human reasoning capacity and actual human sensibilities have taken to social media to defend the rights of us all to access actual (as opposed to “alternative”) facts, I thought this example from the other side was instructive.

Sean Spicer, press secretary to the Kleptocrat, and the replicant for whom Kellyanne Conway coined the term “alternative facts”, is apparently not yet entirely grasping how this whole Internet thing works. Because:

(In case you are wondering, yes, that’s his account, as verified by Twitter. Blue check and everything.)

I captured the screenshot for the time when someone very carefully and slowly points out that The Onion is 100% satire, and that “misinformation” is a very long word that he might want to look up.

Jeez Louise.

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