Thursday, January 26, 2017

This also

I mentioned that there was widespread tsk-tsking and clutching of pearls on social media from those opposed to the notion of women actually going out in public and protesting the kakistocracy that has slithered into national office. It seems that marchers on Saturday carried signs sporting concepts and words that should be reserved to the sole use of the Kleptocrat and his cronies.

So let’s take a look at some of them.

Like this piece of advice:

Or this statement of fact:

There was also this triad of women, banners and, you know, those…hats:

And once you got over that use of Anglo-Saxon language, there were statements about, gasp, body parts down there, that nice girls just don’t…

Now, this one would have caused offence among the smelling-salts crowd by using the dreaded “F” word—feminist. If they know that “AF” doesn’t stand for Air Force, it’ll send them over the cliff:

And I’m ending with this weary announcement:

Because hell.

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