Wednesday, January 25, 2017

And this, too

Writing about the guy at NKDPizza reminded me of the many men who showed up to march on Saturday. Yes—the event was styled the Women’s March on Washington, and the preponderance of those present appeared to have the XX chromosome configuration.

But there were many, many males there of their own volition, ranging from teens like this one:

To guys getting on in years:

And not just your metrosexuals, either (which is what the Alt-Reich has been assuring itself was the case, alongside their claim that only lesbians showed up at any of these marches, which were over-reported anyhow, if not altogether made up by the lying media…).

Basically—the men who showed up were the ones who are not afraid of smart, loud, confident and funny women.

I noticed it beginning with the Metro ride in from Bridge and Tunnel Land. Couple of guys in the car wearing those caps with Gulf War Veteran logos. They were not out for a trip to the Smithsonian; they’d come to defend their country once more.

Here’s another one—stating the blindingly obvious on the one hand, but on the other…the guy was just bloody magnificent.

And a lot of fathers there—grandfathers, too—including this absolutely enchanting pair:

The little girl seemed a little droopy when I first noticed her, but her dad was not flagging. You can’t see it from these shots, but her pink skirt has Superman symbols in the pleats. I wanted to kiss them both—she’s the future of us all, and he’s there to see her on her way.

A little bit later on, this fellow was rocking out to some mariachi music on his boombox—he’s got skin in this game, as well.

So—the XY chromosome set was well represented on Saturday. Because—as we who marched know (even if they who sat on their sofas don’t):

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