Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Many people are saying

As I mentioned yesterday, I just wasn’t up to watching or listening to the debate on Monday. As it is, I got plenty of it via Morning Edition on NPR, more than I wanted to hear.

I did scan tweets for about the first 20 minutes before taking refuge in a well-written detective story, and Twitter was all over the Trump sniffle (or snivel; not entirely sure) issue.

As you can imagine, the Twitterverse was having a ball. There's now even a Trump's Sniffle account:

Evidently it was enough of an issue for Trump to confide to his Fox Friends that his ludicrous performance wasn’t his fault. “I had a problem with a microphone that didn’t work. My microphone was terrible. I wonder, was it set up that way on purpose? My microphone, in the room they couldn’t hear me, you know, it was going on and off. Which isn’t exactly great. I wonder if it was set up that way, but it was terrible. I don’t want to believe in conspiracy theories, of course, but it was much lower than hers and it was crackling, and she didn’t have that problem. That to me was a bad problem, you have a bum  mic, it’s not that good.”

Right: the baron of birthers doesn’t want to believe in conspiracy theories.

Any road, he followed up by denying that he had a cold or allergies to account for the sniffling.

Well, that opened the door for what any New Yorker who was a man about town in the 80s should have expected. Viz., these comments (in this instance) from Slate:

Naturally, there was a Trump defender, who apparently does not have a problem with conspiracy theories. I just love the responses to him:

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