Tuesday, September 27, 2016


I did not watch what the media are calling “the debate” last night. My life is too short and there is not enough alcohol to get me through something like that.

Particularly since I am sick to death of how the media (with the possible exception of The Washington Post) have done nothing but play by the GOP candidate’s reality TV rules that basically revolve around this simple declaration:

“I can do and say whatever I damn well please and you’ll run around like a pack of hounds trying to get the fox’s scent in the middle of a sausage factory. And then you’ll come back to repeat the exercise.”

The quintessential example of this was his ginning up the press a couple of weeks ago for “a big announcement” to be made at the opening of his made-in-China hotel in downtown DC. As you’ll recall, he pulled them by the nose through a tour of the hotel, then mumbled, “Obama was born in the U.S.” and walked away.

There were a bunch of howls, but at that point I kind of lost sympathy (not to mention respect) for them. Because do they not recall their basic Peanuts?

How can they not see that Trump is Lucy and they (and the electorate) are Charlie Brown. And their foot is never going to connect with that ball. Never.


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