Tuesday, March 15, 2016

That sucking sound

Youall know my opinion of politicians in general and the presidential landscape in particular; I don’t need to flog these particular horse’s asses.

I watch in wonder as Repubs vie with one another to display what they’re pleased to think is their manhood by strutting their stuff in the form of threats to send other men’s children to various places that are not America to kill still other men’s children. They follow this up with promises to cut support services to the military and to defund the Veteran’s Administration, which to my mind simply screams “We live on Planet Idiot; come join us.”

It reached a new and appalling low this weekend as I heard Donald Trump urge his followers to beat up protesters. I thought my radio had slipped a cog and fallen back to the 1930s when would-be strong men took care of dissent by literally beating it down. 

(This after that whole business of "We'll build a wall, and who's going to pay for it?" Jesus wept—does no one remember the sound of smashing glass?).

It wasn’t just the blond buffoon saying it, it was hundreds of his lemmings shouting their approval, and some of them following through with the violence. Can we imagine that castor oil and camps will not be on the horizon after the election?

Land of the free and home of the braveWTF?

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