Monday, March 14, 2016

Gratitude Monday: Getting in place

Second Monday after moving into my new digs, and making progress toward feeling like this is a place where I can live.

I’ve got the kitchen fairly well organized. (Proof of that will be when I start actually, you know, cooking. But we’ll see.) I’ve figured out a workaround for not having screens in the only windows that actually open. (There are slots for screens, but the owners apparently removed them. I’m going to kludge a kind of mosquito netting thing, as I don’t fancy paying for custom screens to be made and installed, but I also don’t fancy sharing my living space with insects.)

And there are only about ten more cartons of books to be unpacked. I’m a ways from having them all on the shelves, as you can’t do that until you’ve got them all out where you can see them, but it’s a huge mental relief to look at the office and see floor where last week there was about four feet worth of cartons and packing paper wall to wall. Still have to get all that in the storage space (I’ve only got a year’s lease here, so I’ll be doing this again sooner or later), but that’ll happen some time this week.

So, on the whole, I’m feeling grateful to be moving forward in this process. I know that the sooner I can get this place settled around me, the sooner I can function at full bandwidth.

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