Thursday, March 10, 2016

Lucky dogs

When it comes to animals on the Internet, I think that Corgis give cats a good run for your entertainment money. There are more cats than Corgis, obviously, but with those goofy faces and short legs, the Welsh breed are definitely canine comedians.

They’re also famously the domestic pet of choice of Queen Elizabeth II. Unsurprisingly, for a woman of her age and means, it turns out that she treats them, well, royally, according to a spread that Town & Country magazine is going to run next month on the occasion of Her Majesty’s 90th birthday.

I don’t know how much the dogs appreciate the porcelain and silver bowls, but I expect they love the variety of steak, rabbit and chicken served in them.

When I lived in the UK, I used to send home cans of cat food with ingredients that weren’t available here. This included venison and rabbit, which I assure you went down a treat with the kitties in question. But I’m betting that HM’s dogs are not getting their Bambi and Thumper from a can.

I don’t know about the homeopathic and herbal supplements that are reported. Although I have tried Rescue Remedy on one of my cats that exhibited anxiety disorders. Without any visible effect, but maybe the Queen’s supplies are custom-compounded by a herbalist and don’t come off a shelf at Sainsbury’s.

Regardless, you probably don’t want to let your rescue dog know how the other half lives. Since you don’t have a flock of valets running around your palace with club soda and paper towels to take care of any little messages that might be left for you.

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