Monday, March 7, 2016

Gratitude Monday: Settling in

It’s slow, but I am making some progress in the settling-in process.

The bedroom, four of the closets and one of the bathrooms are organized. The kitchen cupboards are populated and I’ve even got my good china out of the carton it’s been living in for the past six years.

Unaccountably I’m down to two champagne glasses, which I don’t get. Leaving aside my recollection of having several crystal flutes packed away with the good china, the fact is that I had three of them throughout my sojourn in the Valley They Call Silicon, so I don’t understand how I can be down one.

So far I’ve not been positively impressed with Allied Van Lines. It’s not that things never happen, and you have to expect that some things are going to be damaged. However, the professional thing would be to point out the ones you know for a fact are so—because somewhere along the way you or your colleagues attempted to tape over the gouges in the wood. This did not happen.

So I’ll have to see how they respond to me pointing this out.

(Ditto the man who packed my kitchen stuff. Not once in more than twenty years of being moved by professionals have I ever seen a packer who laid glasses and dishes on their sides instead of on their ends. Until now. When one of my favorite plates was smashed.)

Still—I’m grateful that I’m once again surrounded by my own furniture, crystal, clothes and miscellanea.

And when I can once again walk across the office floor to choose a book, I’ll be really, really happy.

That’ll be a while, though.

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