Monday, February 1, 2016

Gratitude Monday: Vehicular mobility

One week after Snowzilla, permit me to be mildly petty in my gratitude:

Friday evening I was able to dig away enough of the snow crust next to my car to be able to get it out on the road Saturday morning so I could drive to Virginia to have breakfast with a friend. We hadn’t been able to get together for two weeks, and we really needed a catch-up.

I was also able to make a grocery run; perhaps not as vital as the breakfast, but still needed.

Not only that, but my electronic lock on the driver’s side door, which had packed it in the last time I used the car, cranked up again. This is mega-petty, but once you’ve become accustomed to keyless entry, it’s a pain in the butt to have to use your key. I expect I’m still going to have to have it replaced—the car is, after all, 15 years old. But it’s nice to have the capability back.

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