Monday, February 2, 2015

Gratitude Monday: Unknown security

Today I’m a little surprised, but deeply grateful, that I’m spending a good five hours interviewing with six people for a product manager position with one of the leaders in the computer security arena.

I’ll be speaking with the hiring manager, another product manager, a developer, a business development guy, a tech support guy and a product marketer. I’m doing this understanding that my knowledge of endpoint security (not to mention encryption) is quite limited—they understand that, too. The hiring manager said that while, of course they’d prefer someone who already understands that stuff, they can work with someone who’s interested in it.

Well, that’s me.

I'm also very grateful that a friend-of-a-friend spent an hour the other day walking me through a lot of endpoint/encryption issues, and gave me pointers on what information I might want to acquire from each of those six interviewers. It turns out that he worked with the hiring manager for a few years, and he gave me very good gouge on her, information which tells me that she'd be a great colleague and that she runs a smooth operation. This is invaluable.

So here I go, stepping out into the largely unknown. Should be interesting.

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