Friday, January 30, 2015

Here's who let the dogs out

You know, I love a good prison break story. I mean, I must have seen The Great Escape about a bazillion times. (I even named my parakeet Eric Ashley-Pitt; go look it up.) And here’s one of my all-time favorites.

Humans at the famed Battersea Dogs’ (& Cats’) Home were going nuts, because they'd leave at night with everything shipshape and Bristol fashion, and arrive in the morning to find dogs out of their cages, having laid waste to the kibble in the pantry. 

This was only happening at night, and the keepers just could not figure out what the hell was going on. By the time they showed up in the morning, there was nothing but a mass of really full dogs of every description, and no one was ratting out anyone.

Finally, the humans set up CCTV, and they caught the break-out artist, er, red-pawed. An extremely intelligent lurcher (no, really—that’s a breed of dog) had been breaking out of his cage and then setting free the other dogs to roam the corridors and chow down on the foodstuffs.

(God, I love this dog!)

The identity of the culprit was a surprise, because (as one news report put it) lurchers aren't considered particularly intelligent dogs. No comment needed on that one, eh?

They put an end to Red's midnight marauding, but he will live on in the hearts and minds of freedom (and dog chow) lovers everywhere.

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