Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Where in the world is Nico Sandiego?

Dear Lord, former French president Nicolas Sarkozy totally lost the Interwebs. On Sunday he’d joined the unity march in Paris somewhere in the scrum behind the leaders.

But as the procession moved, he maneuvered his way into the front line with the actual heads of state and miscellaneous dignitaries.

I wonder if his cleverness was worth it, though, because people noticed and social media lit up like a Grateful Dead concert. The hashtag #JeSuisNico exploded and everyone with a graphics package and a Tumblr account started churning out “where’s Nico” shots at a rate of knots.

I mean—Nico takes a twerk for the team:

Nico joins the Beatles:

Nico, Nixon and Elvis:

Nico takes down the Wall:

Nico and Ike see off the D-Day troops:

And two appearances at the Tehran Conference:

It’s a wonder to me that any work at all gets done with this sort of thing going on. It’s also a wonder to me how pols all over the world pull this kind of crap repeatedly, when there’s ample evidence what social media can do to them.

It's like they don't know Twitter exists.

Perhaps that’s what our own leaders were concerned about when they decided to take a pass on sending anyone of consequence to represent us at that march?

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