Wednesday, January 14, 2015

When you're not the only one with Photoshop...

Oh, dear—Photoshop is getting quite the workout over the Unity march in Paris on Sunday.

You’ll recall that French president François Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel led the procession, and that they were joined by ex-president Nicolas Sarkozy, to the amusement of everyone in the world with an Adobe subscription.

Well, it turns out that a Haredi (ultra-Orthodox Jewish) newspaper in Jerusalem thought it inappropriate that the actual participants in the demonstration be shown with men arm-in-arm with women not their actual, you know, wives or blood relations, so they excised Merkel, Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo and Danish prime minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt from the shot. (They also cropped out the Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas as well.)

I’m not going to comment on a Weltanshauung that is so terrified of very thought of images of actual women appearing in the representation of an historic event that they falsify photos. We saw it a few years ago when Hasidic newspapers in Brooklyn Photoshopped out Hillary Clinton and another woman from the iconic situation room photo during the takedown of Osama bin Laden, and I already didn’t comment on that. Much.

Instead, I’ll give you the response to HaMevaser from the Interwebs:

Sic semper anyone who thinks they can get away with dicking around with women on the web. That horse done left the barn.

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