Monday, January 19, 2015

Gratitude Monday: Shaking it off

Here’s what I’m grateful for today: a dash-cam video that’s gone viral, as they say: a Dover, Delaware, cop on patrol, getting jiggy with Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off”. He's now #DashCamDiva.

I was a little worried about the parts where Officer Jeff Davis has both hands off the wheel, but apparently no animals or anyone else was harmed in the making of this video.

What particularly appealed to me was when Davis went all “cool-cop pro” when he motioned someone to cross in front of him, and then got back into the groove when the coast was clear. This is indeed a man who knows his Swift—he doesn’t bungle one syllable that I can tell, and he’s got all the music-appropriate hand gestures that anyone can have behind the wheel.

Yeah, it was staged, and yeah, I hope to God perps or other passengers are not subject to that sort of thing in the normal course of events, because if they are, I see lawsuits in Dover’s future. But what fun.

Seriously—if you can watch this without a gigantic grin on your face, I do not want to be riding with you anywhere.

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