Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Excess iPadding

There’s a widely-acknowledged phenomenon here in the US known as the “freshman 15”. It refers to kids going off to their first year of college gaining some measurable amount of weight, generally due to the quality of student dining hall food and increased alcohol consumption. (Also, I expect there’s a certain amount of comfort eating going on.)

I’m wondering if there’s such a thing as the “tablet 10”? Because I swear that since I got my iPad in November I’ve put on six pounds.

My general eating habits didn’t change over that period, so I’m thinking it has to be from turning into such a complete slug that I don’t even get up from the sofa and walk across the room to check something out on my laptop. I just pick up the iPad and run my query.

Can I be the only person suffering from this? Can I get a research grant to study it?

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