Wednesday, October 29, 2014


This being the week when people are thinking about weird clothing (or, here in the Bay Area, about weirder clothing), it seems appropriate that those wacky folks at Air New Zealand have released yet another version of the mandatory safety video.

And once again, it’s all about Middle Earth.

You’ll recall that ANZ produced a safety video a couple of years ago featuring hobbits and elves and the orcs I always seem to end up sitting next to in coach. They also have used Betty White and Love Boat retirees, as well as Richard Simmons in their quest to ensure that passengers pay attention.

The production this year features cameos by a few actors from Peter Jackson’s Hobbit film franchise (quelle surprise). It's being touted as "the most epic safety video ever made".  

They’re milking this “airline of Middle Earth” schtick to the full. But you must admit, they've got bags and bags of style.

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