Thursday, October 30, 2014

Bad spirits

I’ve reported in the past about the elaborate yard decorations folks here in the Valley They Call Silicon put out for Halloween. There was one house in particular, in Sunnyvale, whose owners took weeks to fill it full of the worst kinds of creepiness around.

You can see the whole thing here, but just to refresh your memory, here are a couple of shots:

Imagine my disappointment, then, to swing by there earlier this month and find in progress…absolutely nothing. I was hoping that they might be procrastinating, but as of this past Monday, this pumpkin was the sum total of their effort:

Look, this is the yard that last year was dripping with death:

Yeahjust lawn death this time round. 

And here's spider dog:

I know that last year was much more elaborate than the year before, so perhaps they just got worn out. Even so—they have all those skeletons hanging around somewhere—would it have killed them to perch just one on their roof? Or sprinkle just a couple of spiders on the dog out front?

I don’t know what the Halloween equivalent of “bah, humbug!” would be, but I think my neighbors are communicating it.

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