Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Really mean streets

Y’all know how I like to keep up on matters ophidian, wherever in the world they might be or whatever the season. In a pinch, I’ll go with performing crocodiles.

And—as you know—I do not make any of this stuff up.

And it’s my own home town, the great city of Los Angeles that gives me the most recent adventure, because it seems that an albino cobra went on the lam for four days, before it was taken into custody by authorities.

Four days, folks. Four long, hot and anxious days.

(The snake might look something like this.)

It turns out, according to killjoy WaPo, that this particular serpent isn’t so much albino as leucistic (meaning it lacks pigment, but has blue eyes instead of pink). 

However, I don’t believe you’d think that particular hair worth splitting if you came across the cobra in question on your way home from your gang initiation or the medical marijuana dispensary.

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