Monday, September 8, 2014

Gratitude Monday: spun beauty

Today I’m grateful for art in all its incarnations and artists in all their manifestations. If you are willing to look, you can find extraordinary creativity and beauty in some of the most seemingly unlikely places.

Here’s an example. I first saw it Saturday, and I must have replayed it about five times since. Because: beautiful, delicate, flowery cotton candy!

As I was watching this street vendor spend more than two minutes to create a multi-colored cotton-candy flower for what I imagine is pennies, my heart lightened. Here’s a guy who suits up every day to go stand for hours in a not-very-salubrious-looking location, putting his all into creating stunning sculptures out of spun sugar.

In my world of strip malls, software engineer ninjas and apartment complexes with hundreds of units, this cotton-candy artist is a true innovator; every single one of his creations is unique. And lovely.

And that just makes me smile.

Even more so because his work is so ephemeral. None of them is going to make it intact five meters from his stand. They’re all going to be devoured. Yet he keeps on making them.

Thanks for that, cotton-candy dude. Thanks.

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