Friday, August 15, 2014

Ah, romance...

A Facebook friend recently reported that a (male) work colleague posted this notice to the company “marketplace” email alias: “I am looking for an empty ring box. Preferably one from a high end jeweler such as Tiffany’s. Willing to trade for it or purchase it for the right cost.”

Well, whaddaya gonna say? Oh, shoot, let me take a swag at it.

First, If I had such a brand-name box that I wanted to offload, I don’t think I’d “trade” for it with a guy who clearly thinks nothing of passing off mutton dressed as lamb. I’d insist on cash, and I’d run any bills through a counterfeit-checking process.

Plus, does "trade" mean he thinks you'll swap Cartier for Kay? Who would want to do that, and why?

I also wonder what the “right” cost would be to such a person?

If I were management in this company, I’d start taking inventory of capital equipment. He obviously has an extremely well-developed sense of entitlement, as well as an ingrained belief that he’s one really slick fellow. Just sayin’.

Moreover, I’m sorry for the woman who’s been in a relationship with him long enough to prompt him to pop the question using a ring of falsified provenance. What kinds of nickel-plated lies has he been feeding her?

Finally, let me just point out: nothing says true love like a cheap ring in a Fred box.


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