Thursday, May 15, 2014

Not a dog-bites-man story

This video has been trending on social media, so I thought I’d chime in.

I’m not showing you the one from CNN because frankly if given the choice between being mauled by a dog (or a cat) and listening to those blow-dry twits, I’ll take my chances with the animals every time.

(You can tell I never watch commercial TV news, because I’m sure they’re all like that—prattling idiots who don’t have three synapses in sequence that aren’t held together by hairspray.)

But a couple of things about this are interesting to me: first off, this is Bakersfield, which is not exactly Bel Air or SoHo; so I wonder why there are at least two CCTV cameras in play in that neighborhood?

Second, of course, is that is definitely one amazing attack cat. I hope it’s getting some extra scritches and a side of tuna.

1 comment:

  1. Who knew cats could be so protective of their humans?
