Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Domestic bliss

When I got home from that quasi-conference on Friday I discovered that the power was out in my complex. Since I live in a third-floor walk-up, I didn’t notice it until I tried to make a phone call.

I used my mobile to call PG&E, and it turns out that it wasn’t just the complex—more than 3500 customers in Sunnyvale had no power. I told the guy that I’d just got home and without power I couldn’t make iced tea, so could they please step on it.

But what I find mildly amusing is that in a power outage—absent TV, Internet, stereo or microwave oven—I thought, “well, maybe I’ll just vacuum.”

And then I realized, um…

Yeah, I could have washed the floors, but I wasn’t really in the mood for that. So I read a book until the power came back on about an hour later.

But by that time the urge commit acts of household drudgery had disappeared. Whew!

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