Friday, January 17, 2014

Sharknado redux?

Well, holy social media, folks: aquatic life has hit the Twitter-dot-com!

First it was news that sharks (or at least nearly 400 of them) in Western Australia are tweeting their location, courtesy of being tagged with acoustic transmitters.

They’re not getting the full benefit, of course, because—having fins instead of fingers—they can’t post suggestive comments or LOLCats pictures. And so far they’ve not been reported in any Twitter flame wars. But then the communication is meant to warn swimmers of their presence in the local waters, not enhance their social lives.

Halfway across the world, a hermit crab at the Seattle Aquarium called Marshawn Pinch is tweeting his little exoskeleton out. Pinch has a whole history and his own “Pinch” cam. He’s an interactive sort—you can tweet him questions and he responds.

Pinch apparently follows football and is a Seahawks fan. Go figure.

He doesn’t quite have the wit of Bronx Zoo’s Cobra, but we’ll see how he develops.

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