Monday, January 20, 2014

Gratitude Monday: paying attention

For this Gratitude Monday, I think I’ll give you something that could be considered a small pleasure.

Well, unless you’re the owner of the car, of course.

But on one of my morning walks, I came across this non-factory paint job:

And what I’m grateful for is that it gives me something to wonder about. What’s the story behind that particular graffito? It’s got to be something more specific than just it was a nice expanse of white surface, surely?

You just never know what you’re going to find anywhere, so you need to unplug from the pod, look around you and really observe. Coming across something like this reminds me of that, and I’m grateful for it.

I’m also grateful that—as of the time of writing—there’s no similar artwork on my car. Although, in fairness, I’m not sure anything would stick to the panel through all the encrusted dirt.

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