Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Off message

You know, I’m not sure whether I’m being petty, hard-assed or just age-related cranky, but I have to say that—as a person for whom clear communication has been at the core of everything I’ve done since I started speaking in complete sentences—people who share Inspirational or Amusing Messages would find me more receptive if their billet-doux weren’t full of misspellings, grammatical errors and sloppy imagery.

For instance:

So much for Web wit.

But on the Metaphysical side, we have this:

And not only does the misuse of “it’s”, along with the pronoun-antecedent disconnect (body and ego plural/it, singular); if the producer had got that right s/he’d have had the chance to misuse “they’re” or “there”) make my jaws clamp, but I’m lost trying to connect the “love and light” thing with what follows. I guess we’re meant to infer that “love and light” equate to the spirit, but I’m just not sure.

Honestly—this sort of thing gives New Agers a bad name.

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