Monday, January 27, 2014

Gratitude Monday: Good influence

Gratitude Monday, and I’m grateful for a friend (with whom I’ve been out of touch for a few years) who suddenly appeared via social media to thank me for something I really had no idea I’d done.

Seems that Lisa’s work colleagues voted her the “most influential” person in her company. And she thinks that somehow I was, well, influential in her success.

While I’m not so sure about that—Lisa’s always struck me as being highly self-propelled and able to manage very complex operations under less-than-optimal conditions (and make it seem effortless)—it was such a blessing for me to hear that she thinks I’m somehow part of that.

I’m also somewhat chuffed to think that I might somehow, under some circumstances, be an influencer.

And finally, I’m reminded of all the times Lisa and I got together during my years in the UK—to discuss work situations (both of us were in sales support; we comprised 50 percent of team members with the XX chromosome configuration, out of about 30 total), translate cultural differences between the US and the UK, and just, in general, exchange ideas. She was a sounding board and a reality check, both of which I really needed during my sojourn there.

(There was also the episode of “confronting our demons”, which you’ll be interested to know was not proposed by the fourth-generation Californian, but which came from the Welsh girl. It was an exceptionally good idea; and in the process I learned that Lisa likes Champagne as much as I do. Which is great, because I had been rather concerned about the quantities of Lucozade she used to consume.)

Anyhow, it was a sheer blessing that Lisa appeared this past week to bring all this back to me, and I’m deeply grateful for it. And for her.

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