Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Twinkie defense 3: They're baaaack

Well, I guess we all knew that Twinkies would not go gentle into that good night. Not quite a year & a half ago, the company that industrially-extruded Twinkies, Sno Balls, Hostess Cupcakes, Ho-Hos & the like, filed for bankruptcy, & there was consternation amongst junk-food junkies throughout the land.

(Maybe around the world. Hard to know. But I suspect not.)

Anyhow, in the intervening time, apparently there were industrially-extruded Twinkie-like products on the market. Evidently each one competing with the other for the lamest name. There were Bingles, Dreamies & Cloud Cakes. (Sorry, Little Debbie, but anywhere in the tech world, “Cloud Cakes” aren’t going to be immediately identified with an ersatz food-like product. We’re thinking some kind of app here in the Silicon Valley.)

However, it was announced yesterday that genuine industrially-extruded Twinkies are returning to grocery shelves as of 15 July. Dunno about the cupcakes, Sno Balls & Ho-Hos; but apparently there wasn’t the grass-roots outcry about those ersatz food-like products.

1 comment:

  1. I'm waiting for Nature's Pride bread to return. The brand was bought by the same people who bought Wonder Bread. It's really quite good. The only thing they have in common is the delivery truck.
