Friday, June 7, 2013

Oh, poop--really

Really interesting story about folks in a town in Spain fighting back against dog walkers who don’t scoop after their pets.

Concerned citizens (or, as they say in Britain, “members of the public”) are mailing the offending matter back to the dogs’ owners.

A couple of thoughts on this story:

This practice ought to go viral. Except that the cost of postage could become an obstacle to adoption. But there’s an opportunity here for someone to develop & sell postage-paid packaging ready-made for would-be vigilantes to just slide the poop in, slap an address label on & drop it in a mailbox.

You don’t very often  get to use the phrase “criminal dog poop”, & I don’t really know why that should be. Ditto with “errant dog poop”. I’m going to make an effort to work one or the other of them into conversations. Just, you know, because.

1 comment:

  1. Two words of the English language I love are Poop and Monkey. Use either in a sentence and it is sure to draw a giggle or an out right laugh from me. And yes I still remember your laugh. :)
