Monday, June 10, 2013

Gratitude Monday: Farm bounty

It’s Gratitude Monday & I’m grateful for farmers’ markets, where you can buy super-fresh produce & other stuff right from the people who raised it Around the Silicon Valley there’s an abundance of them, many open all year round. I could go to at least one a day in different communities within a ten-mile radius.

We’re close to California’s Central Valley, & not too far from the nexus of startups there are a lot of truck farms. We get some of the most amazing fruits & vegetables. Last year I bought some artichokes that were so tender I realized I was eating the entire leaves, not just the tips. & I’m not talking about only the interior leaves, either. I’ve never had ’chokes that lovely.

Right now we’re at the height of the strawberry, cherry & peach season. It’s heavenly. & we’re starting to get tomatoes that smell & taste like, you know, tomatoes.

This past Saturday I bought a luscious, ripe tomato & four kinds of summer squash, so I could make poached chicken breasts with tomato mayonnaise & sautéed squash. Absolute heaven.

Sadly, you can’t see what I’m talking about because I ate it before I could take pix.

But I’m really glad for farmers & the farmers’ markets that cut out the distribution stages.

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