Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The big questions

Attention grocery industry. I have a couple of questions for you.

Why can’t you package feta cheese in some quantity that a single person could actually use up before it starts resembling something that needs to be disposed of as a hazardous material? I’ve had to throw away more half-finished tubs of feta than the entire Greek army.

& I look very suspicious hanging out in the cheese section of Trader Joe’s, soliciting: “Psst—hey, cutie! Wanna go halvsies on some feta?”

Question numero second: Why are English cucumbers so freaking expensive? Seriously? It’s not like they’re really imported from England, you know. The last one I bought was labeled “Hecho en Mexico”.

They cost something like six times as much as a regular, domestic cucumber & what’s up with that?

Someone? Anyone? Bueller?

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