Monday, May 20, 2013

Gratitude Monday: Serendipitous friendships

Gratitude Monday again & I’m really happy about the kind of serendipity between friends that caused me to email one Friday morning to suggest we get together at the weekend because we’ve not had a long natter for a while.

& her to reply that she’d been thinking the same thing, & did I want to come over for dinner, as she “does a mean filet mignon”?

Well, not just yeah, but hell, yeah.

She’s a UX designer & her development team was given a long weekend because they just finished one hellish four-week pedal-to-the-metal spring, & are about to start another one today. (For those not in the software business, just think of the most intense, complex all-encompassing project you’ve ever worked on; quadruple it; condense it down to four weeks of ten to 16-hour days; & add several metric tons of caffeinated beverages & pizzas.) So making dinner for a friend (i.e., me) & talking about non-software topics for several hours made a nice change for her.

& carrying on an extended conversation that did not involve the words “latte, please” made a nice change for me.

Plus—dinner was scrummy.

So I’m really grateful for friends who look out for each other.

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