Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Infrastructure matters

A friend of mine who lives in Boston posted this on his FB page; I think it may have been a share from George Takei, but whatever:

& it reminded me of driving around on the borderlands between Fairfax & Loudoun Counties in Virginia, back in the wild days of the mid-90s, before cars had sat-navs & you were lucky to find some roads marked at all, much less with a name.

It occurred to me at the time that this might be some strategy left over from The Woah: in case of another Yankee invasion, while the bluecoats were milling around trying to figure out where the hell they were, the Confederate forces could group in one of the adjoining fields & just start picking off the enemy one by one, working from the back to the front like Sergeant York.

Can’t do that, now, of course—all those country roads are four-lane highways & the fields are filled with townhouses & strip malls.

Still not sure who won that war.

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